by Daniella Okorobie | Aug 8, 2022 | Company, Industry, Wellness
Human Resources managers are increasingly concerned with employee connectivity. It is easy to understand that a committed employee is a productive employee, while an employee who doesn’t feel connected is a high annual cost for the company. But how do you...
by Daniella Okorobie | Aug 8, 2022 | Company, Wellness
Proteins are essential macronutrients in a healthy diet. The human body needs proteins to develop and repair muscles and tissues. It helps in transporting nutrients in the blood. Proteins also participate in the body’s defense against diseases, and also generate...
by Daniella Okorobie | Aug 8, 2022 | Company, Wellness
Sleep is appetitive and crucial to the survival of an individual. The average adult human should sleep for about eight hours each day. This ensures that we wake up fully refreshed and ready to carry out our daily activities. However, nowadays we sleep less than a...
by Daniella Okorobie | Aug 8, 2022 | Company, Wellness
The work overload we may be exposed to and other factors that generate prolonged stress over time make the muscles tense and contracted. Some time ago, people thought stress was an emotional condition and that its consequences and management were done solely...
by Monica Segeren | Aug 8, 2022 | Company, Wellness
The world has always been unpredictable but it is time to realize that we should keep a couple of things on us, in our home, and in our car. When it comes to emergencies, what do we truly need? What products can be the most essential to keep around? Lately, I’ve been...
by Monica Segeren | Aug 8, 2022 | Company, Wellness
If you have TikTok on your phone, you may recognize the title right away. If you don’t, let’s take a minute to dive into what the “that girl” trend is. First posted in December of 2021 by user kaylieestewart, she uploaded a video on how to be #thatgirl who has...