Is Screen Time Good For You?

Is Screen Time Good For You?

It is common knowledge that too much screen time can be bad for you. However, does that mean that screen time is never good for you? No. Just like everything else in life, doing something in moderation is fine. In fact, if you pose the question, is screen time good...
The Benefits of Sleeping Enough

The Benefits of Sleeping Enough

Everyone knows that you need sleep to function properly. The amount of sleep that you need varies throughout your life, depending on what stage of development you’re at. While adults usually only need around 7 hours of quality sleep on a regular basis, teens need...
How To Help Headaches

How To Help Headaches

We can experience an annoying headache at any time, requiring more or less immediate relief. Not all headaches are the same or arise from the same cause. Knowing what causes them is crucial, especially if they are repeated frequently. Different persistent headaches...