How to Improve Sleep Quality

How to Improve Sleep Quality

The act of lying in bed for eight hours a night doesn’t mean you’re hitting your sleep goal. It’s the quality of those hours that matters. The more deep REM sleep you get, the better your body functions. A shorter bout of quality sleep can be even more beneficial than...
How Does Social Media Cause Stress?

How Does Social Media Cause Stress?

The average american checks their phone 96 times per day. How you spend that time can influence your mood, your performance and your entire day. So then why do we spend it on apps that make us feel less happy and less productive? Today we spend 3x the amount of time...
Why is Hydration Important for Wellness?

Why is Hydration Important for Wellness?

Remember in elementary science class when you learned that the human body is up to 70% water? Have you ever stopped to think about what this really means? It means every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body rely on water to function. Don’t give it enough, and...
What Causes Chronic Headaches?

What Causes Chronic Headaches?

By Heidi Zwart Do you suffer from chronic headaches? It’s normal to experience an occasional headache, but if you experience them more regularly, you may be suffering from a chronic condition that requires attention. While the cause of chronic headaches may be...