by Sean Higgins | Mar 10, 2023 | Corporate Wellness, Employee Wellness, Student Wellness
Humans are designed to move. Modern life is generally quite sedentary and can therefore lead to unwanted weight gain, poor posture, joint pain, and eye strain. Everyone knows that it’s important to get at least 30 minutes of movement per day, but you might find...
by Sean Higgins | Mar 9, 2023 | Corporate Wellness, Employee Wellness, Student Wellness
It’s normal at any age to forget someone’s name in a conversation or go into a room and be unable to remember the reason why. As you get older however, memory and other mental abilities can tend to decline more seriously. Just as with any organ in your body, there are...
by BetterYou | Mar 9, 2023 | Corporate Wellness, Employee Wellness, Student Wellness
Love is no foreign concept to you. You know that to love someone, you must be patient, caring, kind, gentle, forgiving, etc. You’re probably quite good at loving other people, but is the love that you show yourself up to the same standard? Self-love is crucial since...
by Sean Higgins | Mar 8, 2023 | Corporate Wellness, Employee Wellness, Student Wellness
Twenty minutes. We all have it, even if we have to set the alarm a bit earlier. Why should you practice stretching first thing in the morning? How can you incorporate it into your daily routine? Is there actual research that supports morning stretching health...
by Sean Higgins | Mar 7, 2023 | Corporate Wellness, Employee Wellness, Student Wellness
What’s the first thing that you do when you wake up? You might drink coffee, scroll through social media, maybe look at your emails. There’s a chance that you do these things without thinking. But what you do in the morning matters. As with all things that you do...
by Brianna Sharp | Mar 6, 2023 | Corporate Wellness, Employee Wellness, Student Wellness
Remote work has been on the rise since the pandemic hit in 2020, and although it’s presented great flexibility in terms of where people can work from, it’s also presented unique challenges for employees. These challenges include feelings of isolation and loneliness,...