Why Procrastination is a Main Barrier To Wellness

by | Oct 5, 2022

Why Procrastination is a Main Barrier To Wellness

Procrastination is delaying activities or situations that should be addressed, replacing them with other irrelevant or pleasant situations.

Based on this definition, we understand that the tasks that you will most likely postpone are those that do not amuse us. And that in addition, it is not mandatory to do them right now.

Procrastination is popularly referred to as the “thief of time,” and we all should struggle against this.

How Does Procrastination Work? 

Imagine that you have to start studying or make a report without a fixed deadline. At that moment, a thought comes to your mind: “before starting, it would be better if you change your clothes to be more comfortable.”

So, you drop what you’re doing and change your clothes. When you’re doing it, you go through the kitchen, and it occurs to you to snack on something before you get started so you don’t have to get up later. You grab something to eat. And while you’re eating, you look out the window, see what a beautiful day it is, and decide to go for a walk to get some exercise.

Before you know it, two hours will have passed, and the time you have dedicated to that task will also run out. So, you start to get nervous and stressed, and the feeling of guilt comes into play. You start to worry and get overwhelmed by time, which makes you even less productive and efficient.

Why is Procrastination the Main Barrier To Wellness?

There is no doubt that, in the face of procrastination, we feel bad and anxious because we have not completed or resolved our priority and essential tasks, which can cause us unpleasant consequences.

Procrastination affects our mood and emotions. Our work or academic performance begins to decline, and negative feelings increase as time goes by. That is why we must be aware that procrastination is an enemy and affects productivity, personal development, and well-being.

Keys to Overcome Procrastination

Avoiding temptation is essential when taking advantage of time. The first step is to suppress temptations. Identify all factors that may be a temptation and move them away or put them out of sight. 

Below, we will list some other vital ways to avoid procrastination. 

Divide The Task Into Small Subtasks That Are Manageable

Set small milestones that answer questions like: what is the first thing I have to do to address this issue? And then? Little by little and comfortably, you will get closer to the final goal.

Break The First-Minute Barrier

The complicated thing is to beat the moment before you get started. If you manage to beat it, you will have half the work done, and, from the first 5 minutes, your brain will help you. It creates the positive anxiety necessary to finish the task you have started.

Avoid Self-Absolutive Or Self-Permissive Arguments 

It is important to stop using phrases like “nothing bad will happen if I am late, I have time,”; “let me visit Facebook; or “I’ll start the next day.” All of these feed procrastination. Put aside any excuses and do it now.

Reward Yourself for Doing Homework

When you do a task that you consider tedious, rewarding yourself increases motivation. Gift yourself things, and you will see how it works as a motivation.

Give Yourself A Short Break At The End Of Each Of The Partial Tasks

Tiredness is a factor that multiplies disinterest and reduces effort capacity. Therefore, it is crucial to establish small periods of disconnection and rest from the activity. Taking a short break every time you finish any subtasks you have set yourself helps”recover” both physical and mental strength.

When You Make A Decision, Share It

Commitment is more difficult to breach if there is a public resolution. Once a small, personal community is involved, you will do everything possible to keep your word. Let the people involved know you have decided to act a certain way.


Listed above are some of the effective ways to beat procrastination. However, they are not always easy to implement. Because, on many occasions, behind this postponement of tasks lies the fear of failure and excess of perfection.

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