Are you constantly stressed out and don’t know how to deal with it? We all carry a lot of responsibility and have a lot going on in our professional and personal lives. For some, this can pile up and create unhealthy, or “bad” stress known as distress.
Though severe anxiety is best dealt with medically, here are some tips we’ve gathered to handle normal day-to-day stress and anxiety when you start to feel overwhelmed.
How to deal with stress and anxiety?
The first action you can take is to believe that you are in complete control of your life. This realization is the fundamental pillar of managing stress and anxiety. What’s more, you have to take charge of everything including your environment, your emotions, your thoughts, and your schedule.
The key here is to balance your life while putting all the pieces in place such as your work, family, friends, and so on. So, you should start maintaining a journal. You can even name it like – ‘My Stress Journal’. Write in it daily, keeping track of stressors you face. For instance – you can write down the usual stressors with probable solutions to eliminate them in the journal. This can help work out solutions on paper to make problems feel more manageable.
Like this article and interested in more ways to reduce stress? Check out some of our favorite stress relief products here.
Check out these other approaches below.
1. You must avoid unnecessary stress
Changing the situation is a big part of dealing with stress and anxiety. And, to do that you have to avoid unwanted stress. You need to learn to say ‘No.’ This is huge and involves setting boundaries for yourself. Regardless of how everybody reacts, you have to let everyone know your limit. Be bold in refusing to accept the added responsibility and weight. On top of that, if someone is bothering you or stressing you out, do your best to distance yourself. Not to mention, taking charge of your surroundings helps greatly. If you don’t want to go out with your friends, don’t go.
2. You must change your mindset to avoid stress
There are things in life that we cannot control. In those situations, you must change your mindset. For instance, if you are having a problem with your partner, you should communicate with them. Otherwise, you will end up thinking about what to do to change the situation. Another thing you should do is to be more assertive in your approach. When stress and anxiety levels are high, you must not take a backseat.
You have to face the problems head-on. Adapt your mindset to stay positive by thinking of the good things about the situation, while at the same time focusing your energy on identifying the quickest and best solution rather than putting that energy toward being stressed.
3. You must adapt yourself to the stressor
When you are dealing with stress and anxiety, you must remember that adaptation is mandatory. If you cannot change, then you don’t have to change the stressor. What you can do is to adapt to the surrounding stressing points. This way, you can have a sense of control. You can’t control a situation, but you CAN control how you adapt to it.
Stuck in traffic? Put on your favorite podcast, take a deep breath, look at your surroundings, and adapt that mindset. This will do far more for you than stressing about a situation you can’t control. This positive mindset could help you adjust your expectations and standards from yourself. It would in turn release you to achieve your goals and ambition in the process.