Microsoft Office Vs. Google Suite—Which Is Best For Your Team?
Daniella Okorobie
microsoft office vs google suite

Many professionals often need clarification about what to use for their company: Google Workspace or Office 365. Well, now is the time to go public with our conclusion. Although everything depends on your business or company, in this article, we will state the advantages of each platform and all the unique information to make the best decision.

Since we constantly work with these platforms, we can help you make the right decision. We know your company needs a collaborative, innovative platform with digital tools that makes your team more productive.

No matter the size of your company, you need tools that are simple and easy to adopt and that now allow you to work remotely. Cloud storage is also paramount.

Comparison Between Google Workspace and Office 365

Let’s see below accurate and official data from both platforms to define the best for your company or institution.

  • 95% of Google Workspace users can easily collaborate on the same document. While only 84% of Office 365 users do.
  • 48% of users say that Google Workspace facilitates team conversations, compared to 38% of Office 365 users.
  • 85% of users say Google Workspace helps them be more effective while working remotely, compared to 74% of Office 365 users.
  • 60% of Google Workspace users say their teams work very well together and can innovate more than ever, compared to 49% of Office 365 users.

Google Workspace has more adoption among young people and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). At the same time, Office 365 is still a leader in the Corporate sector with high budgets and is generally used by adult users aged 50+.

Google Workspace has all the tools available to work in the cloud, while Office 365 also has cloud tools designed for desktop use. What does this mean? Any desktop or computer can work with Google Workspace. In the case of Office 365, everything will depend on the team you have.

Office 365 requires more resources than Workspace. On the contrary, Google Workspace requires minimal resources; it is so wonderful that you can use it even on old computers recovered thanks to the CloudReady system.

Licenses: Generally, the two systems present almost the same characteristics and functionalities, but the issue is in the cost. Microsoft Office (Office 365) is more expensive than Google Workspace, so many SMEs (small and medium-sized businesses) are making the ultimate switch to Google.

Security: Something fundamental that you should emphasize is the issue of security and protection of data. Google Workspace does not require installation, preventing your team from possible risks and security threats.

Usability: Using Google Suite is more practical and easier to use. It is much more practical, safe, and productive for teamwork. Why? Because automatic updates are made when someone makes a change, it lets you know who that person was and what changes they made, providing the latest version of the document.

While in Office 365, you will have to send the document by mail or share it in the cloud; the person who must modify it will do so but will have to save that version and send it again. It’s all more complicated! Furthermore, in this exchange of information (perhaps some user has a virus on his computer and is unaware of it), an unexpected threat may appear and harm the team and the work done.


Given our team’s experience with both platforms, we believe that Google Workspace is a system that is best suited for all types of businesses. In addition, it is more secure since it is completely managed in the cloud; files do not have to be passed from computer to computer, as is the case with Office 365.

Another point in favor of Google Workspace is that you do not need to install it on your device. Something essential in this technological age!

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