5 Tips for a More Grounded Life
Monica Segeren
live a more grounded life

Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells? Are you constantly stressed and not knowing what your next step is going to entail? Are you constantly asking yourself “what if?” You might need to start living a more grounded life. Psychology Today defines being grounded as: “ the ability to be completely aware and conscious during the present moment. If you’re grounded, you practice a deep sense of mindfulness and rarely think about “what ifs.”” Some other traits are: reliability, good moral standards, healthy self-esteem, and encouraging and supporting others. So what things can you do to lead a more grounded life? Here are five tips for a more grounded life. 

1. Limit Your Social Media and News Consumption 

Especially with today’s world, negativity is everywhere. Whether it’s about COVID, Ukraine, school violence, drama and so on…it can become overwhelming. It’s possible (and important) to stay informed on important issues while still protecting your mental health. Check out Good News Network for positive and uplifting news coverage in addition to the daily news. Also, instead of grabbing your phone when you wake up, do something beneficial for your mind instead. 

2. Meditation 

Taking the time to meditate each day will help you be more mindful until you lead a more grounded life. If you meditate instead of reacting immediately it will also help with your confidence and conversation skills. Taking the time to intentionally relax and reflect allows you to put all of your thoughts in the right order. When you get caught up in the moment, it can be hard to gain perspective. One trick that helps people regulate their own thoughts and emotions is talking to themselves in the third person. Instead of asking, “what do I want to do,” try asking “what does [insert your name here] want to do?” Taking this kind of perspective helps you make choices that reflect the directions you want to follow in your life, and allow you to regain control of your atmosphere.

3. Focus on YOU and Your Health 

When you have no time to focus on being well in your mind and your body, it is difficult for other good things to follow. Take 30 minutes each day to do something that you love and another 30 minutes to move your body. Health starts with moving your body and exercising your mind. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or strenuous, there are things to do on all ends of the spectrum of difficulty and strain. You could focus on yoga and breathwork or take up powerlifting. Whatever fits your time of life and ability level is an appropriate next step! Take the time to learn new things or rediscover old passions which make your soul shine! 

4. Focus on the Now 

Focusing on the past is never a good thing. Even when it comes to planning the future, it isn’t good for your health either. The only thing that we can control is today. Focus on the now and what we can control in the moment. Taking one step at a time is the only way you will complete your journey and achieve all of your goals as intended. 

5. Sit Outside to Have Your Meal 

If you often find yourself sitting inside in your home or in the office, challenge yourself to have lunch outside. Have a picnic, eat a snack in the grass. Be in and with nature. Take the time to spend time with others or by yourself and meditate! 

Be Present, Be You

It’s important to be your authentic self, especially today. We need to appreciate what we have, what we can do and appreciate each day. The world is forever changing and we must stick to our true selves and be grounded during difficult situations. 

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