What does integrity mean? Where does the word come from? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary dates this word back to the 14th century and defines it as:
- “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
- an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
- the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS”
Most known as having high moral principles including honesty and keeping true those principles are what the word is most commonly used for. Adding on to the word’s origin: “1400, integrite, “innocence, blamelessness; chastity, purity,” from Old French integrité and directly from Latin integritatem (nominative integritas) “soundness, wholeness, completeness,”” This is also a word that is commonly used in the Bible to construct who a good and moral person is.
Examples of Integrity in a Person
- Not putting the blame on someone else for your mistakes.
- Being honest even when the truth is hurtful.
- Speak with kindness and consideration for the other person.
- Do not gossip or talk bad about someone else.
- You are not to betray anyone’s trust.
- Return items you found that are not yours.
- Do not keep secrets from your partner.
- Don’t involve yourself in conflict that is not yours.
What Exactly Does Integrity Mean?
Overall, it comes down to being a genuinely good person and not to deform your moral character in any setting such as work, school or home. It’s important to stay honest in order to develop healthy relationships. With the world constantly changing, some things that were portrayed as the right thing to do are no longer the case.
Scott Marcus, writer for Red Bluff Daily News writes: “Summing up, a definition of integrity could be: “Possessing a clear and honest intention in a given situation to adhere to one’s moral and ethical principles — to include honesty and ethical behavior — unless the consequences of those actions or inactions would clearly cause a grievous or greater harm to others or the environment.”” Everyone sees honesty and morals differently depending on how they were raised or their cultural background. There is truly no person that upholds 100% of integrity since perfection is nonexistent. However, it’s important to live our life with as much integrity as we possibly can.