Exercise Ideas for Those Who Hate Working Out
Monica Segeren
exercise ideas

With the colder seasons and the holidays coming up, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For those who do not like working out, it can be difficult if your usual method of exercise is walking outside. Snowstorms, freezing temperatures, and unsafe walking conditions can make it dangerous—so what are the other alternatives if you do not like going to the gym? Luckily, technology, YouTube, fitness programs and so on have made it possible for everyone to maintain a healthy and positive mindset when the sun is setting at 5 p.m. 

Nintendo Switch Ring Fit Adventure 

Do you like gaming? The Nintendo Switch Ring Fit Adventure is a great way to move your body, have fun and enjoy gaming all at the same time. You would have to have the Nintendo Switch, but with Black Friday sales coming up around the corner—this is the time to get one! With the choice of being able to do adventure mode, quick play, or a custom workout…there are endless options of fun! Also, you have the ability to do a full body workout! If you remember the Wii Fit, you were not able to do a full body workout! 


More of an immersive experience, you can take virtual reality to the next level all while working out. Oculus is a VR system that I used for a while when I had the space; however, if you are in a small living space I do not recommend you getting one if you don’t have a large living room. Games like Supernatural which is an interactive boxing game which has amazing reviews about users losing weight, being more confident and happier overall. My personal favorite is Beat Saber which has been showcased on The Jimmy Fallon Show and has been streamed thousands of times on Twitch. This uses rhythm and light sabers and uses arm movements and even squatting depending on the song. The reason why I love this game specifically is because 30 minutes is about 5 rounds of songs and you do not realize it until you are done and your mask is sweaty.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Just Dance!

I have mentioned this in a previous article on how to stay in shape when it is too hot outside, but now I will mention it about the coldness coming in! Dancing is beneficial at any point in time and boosts your serotonin. You can dance by yourself, with friends, significant others, or even your animals at home. TikTok has become increasingly popular in the dance community as well…you can get a ton of ideas from there!


Very Well Fit reported that “a 150-pound person will burn roughly 200 calories per hour while doing housework. These variations can help you burn more.2 In addition, you learn to engage your core and use balance activities to boost the benefit of any daily activity.” All while getting your house tidy, you can engage your muscles and burn calories! This is something that you can do to mindlessly work throughout your house; however, if you want to burn extra calories, you can read the tips on their website! 

You Don’t Have to Go to the Gym

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to go to the gym or buy an exercise bike to move your body and maintain a healthy lifestyle. As many faults as technology can have, it can also provide access to resources to someone who can’t drive to the gym or go on hikes. These are just a few options to keep in mind but there are so many more things to do! Get creative, get moving and stay well. 

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