Are you thinking of changing jobs, or would you like to change your profession, but you can’t identify precisely what you would like to do? Well, today, we bring you steps to identify your ideal job.
Visualize Your Ideal Job
Think about what you could be doing every day, every hour. Think broadly and include your interests and hobbies.
Spend time writing down the words describing your personality and dream job.
What would you do if money didn’t matter? Once you have done this, analyze if there are recurring themes that could be joined.
For example, if you are into food and public relations, perhaps a high-end catering company could be an ideal job for you.
These questions can help you see if you should explore jobs such as that of a reporter or, on the contrary, you prefer to be a journalist for a digital fashion magazine. These are just some examples. It is not easy to get to this point because we often do not know our personality and can feel blocked. For this reason, we recommend doing a personality test.
The test results tell you your personality and can also help you define in what jobs and areas of your life you can feel more aligned with your way of being.
Talk to Someone Who Knows You and Loves You
We all have a relative or friend who knows us very well. It must be someone who really knows you, with whom you have shared many things in your life, with whom you have opened up emotionally, always told how you feel, etc. It does not help that it is someone from a particular environment with whom you join a more “superficial” friendship.
We encourage you to meet with this person and ask them what qualities and abilities they see in you; Together, you can brainstorm possible jobs that you would be good at depending on who you are. You will see how amazing the ideas that come up with this person coincide with the results of point one.
Talk to Different People and Do Research
In addition to doing introspection work, you should also explore and research various careers by talking to people about their jobs and experiences. This can help you discover a world of professions and jobs that you had not even considered could exist.
It’s also a great way to see which careers you’re exploring might be a good fit for you. The web is a gold mine of information about all the jobs that have been and will be.
Search the internet and learn as much as you can about the paths that interest you and the types of people who are most successful there.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with the people you find who have a job you like or that catches your attention. Send them an email or a call telling them that you are impressed with their career or work and that you would like to meet with them to learn more about their profession, their career, how they got to where they are, etc.
Don’t feel like you’re intruding; Isn’t it true that you would be flattered if someone contacted you to tell you that they like what you do? Other people are no different from you. You have nothing to lose!
Pick Up Some Skills Along the Way
Once you have a clear map of what you want to do, it’s time to ensure you’re qualified.
Make a list of all the things you may ultimately need to include on your resume. Check off the skills and characteristics you can already demonstrate, and then start planning for the rest.
For more complex skills or technical knowledge, look for workshops and classes where you can learn or consider whether you need or want to receive studies on the subject. Even if you are unsure if this is the ideal job, you may discover new things along the way that you like, and among them, you will finally find your ideal job.