Quick Ways to Recharge
Heidi Zwart
quick ways to recharge

Are you running on empty? Many of us are these days. Feeling drained is common and often feels overwhelming when there’s so much to do. Whether your fatigue is emotional or physical, try some of these quick ways to recharge when you need an energy boost.

Play music 

Match your playlist to your mood. If you’re feeling down, play a high energy mix to get your blood pumping again. If you’re overstimulated or are facing a difficult situation, a quiet playlist may be the right mix to reduce stress and is a quick way to recharge. 

Drink water

Before you grab a cup of coffee or other caffeinated beverage, pour a tall glass of cold water and see how you feel. Your sagging emotional and physical energy can be a sign that you need to improve your hydration since water is the primary energy source in your body.

Get outside

Fresh air is a quick way to recharge, even on a brisk day. Nature has a calming effect on our nervous system and the fresh air reminds us to breathe more intentionally and freely. While you’re outside, take a quick walk to revitalize your body and enjoy the green space.

Say thank you

Showing gratitude is an often recommended quick way to recharge and refocus. Whether you say a prayer, thank a friend, or write in a journal, focusing on a moment of gratitude in your life revitalizes your mind and spirit, which quickly improves your overall wellbeing.


While a full yoga session often helps revitalize your energy and renew your spirit, doing just a few stretches when your energy sags during the day can help. Pick one or two of your favorite poses, or just move in a way that feels good and releases tension in your tight spots. 

Essential oils

Essential oils are known for their effect on the nervous system. Some oils are relaxing while others, like peppermint, are revitalizing when you need a quick way to recharge. Other oils like sweet orange, spearmint, rosemary, and lemon are other energizing options. 

Eat healthy fat

Healthy fats found in nuts, avocado, seeds, and fish give your brain the energy it needs to make decisions during your day. Start your day with avocado on toast with a sprinkle of sunflower seeds or grab some walnuts or macadamias anytime you feel your energy start to slump. 

Take a cold shower

A cold steam of water releases endorphins in the body, which quickly improves mood. In less than five minutes 2-3 times per week you can reap the benefits on both physical and mental health and feel more energized in the short term


Getting your body moving in a way that feels good is a quick way to recharge when you are sagging. Combined with some great music, your body and mind reconnect and refuel as the movement takes over. 

When you’re looking for quick ways to recharge, try one of the suggestions above. Each of these suggestions is designed to improve your physical and emotional wellbeing and restore your energy for the day ahead. What’s your favorite way to recharge?

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