Overall Wellness Strategy In An Organization
Overall Wellness Strategy In An Organization

Employee wellness has become a top priority for organizations in recent years. A healthy workforce is a productive one, and promoting wellness can help reduce healthcare costs and improve morale. But what is the best way to create a successful employee wellness program? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but there are some general guidelines that every organization should follow. This article will discuss the basics of employee wellness and outline a strategy that can be tailored to fit your organization’s needs.

Establish a Wellness Committee

This group will be responsible for planning and implementing the wellness program. The size of the committee will vary depending on the size of the organization, but it should include representatives from different departments and levels within the company. Including employees who are not health professionals is also important, as they can provide valuable insights into what will work best for the workforce.

Conduct Assessments

Before the committee can start planning, they need to conduct assessments to determine the needs of the workforce. There are several different ways to do this, but surveys are often the most effective. The survey should ask questions about employees’ health behaviors, overall health and wellness goals, and barriers to making healthy lifestyle changes.

You also need to conduct a health risk assessment. You can do this through a variety of means, including biometric screenings, health questionnaires, and lab tests. This assessment will provide valuable data that can be used to target specific risk factors and design programs that address those risks.

An organizational assessment will also be helpful in determining the overall culture of health and wellness within the company. This can be done through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or observations. This assessment will help the committee identify any barriers to promoting wellness within the organization and develop strategies to overcome those barriers.

Develop Goals And Objectives

These should align with the overall goals of the organization and the needs of the workforce. The goals and objectives should also be based on the results of the assessments conducted in step one.

  • Some examples of goals and objectives in a wellness program are:
  • Reduce the overall health care costs for the organization
  • Improve the overall health of the workforce
  • Reduce absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Increase productivity
  • Improve morale

Establish Your Budget

This will include the costs of developing and implementing the program. You also need to factor in any ongoing costs associated with maintaining it. It is important to be realistic when establishing your budget so that you do not overspend or underfund your program. There are some ways to finance a wellness program, including: 

Employee Contributions. Employees can be asked to contribute to the cost of the program through payroll deductions or voluntary contributions.

Employer Contributions. Employers can cover the entire cost of the program or subsidize a portion of it.

Third-Party Funding: Funding can also be sought from external sources, such as foundations or government grants.

Design The Wellness Program

The design of the employee wellness program will be based on the goals and objectives you established. There are a number of different types of wellness programs that you can implement, so it is important to choose one that will work best for your organization. Some examples of wellness programs include:

  • Weight loss programs
  • Stress management programs
  • Smoking cessation programs
  • Exercise programs
  • Nutrition education programs

Once the program is complete, it is time to implement it. This will require developing a plan for how the program will roll out and how to communicate to employees. It is also important to create a process for monitoring and evaluating the program so that you can make necessary adjustments.

Select Wellness Program Incentives Or Rewards

Employees often need the motivation to participate in wellness programs. Incentives and rewards can encourage employees to take part in the program and maintain their participation. Some examples of incentives and rewards include:

  • Cash bonuses
  • Gift cards
  • Paid time off
  • Health insurance discounts

What Are Some Old Wellness Strategy Methods That Don’t Work?

There are several old wellness strategy methods that don’t work. Here are some of them:

Wellness Programs Only Focused on Physical Activity

Physical activity is only one part of overall wellness. While it is important, it should not be the only focus of a wellness program. A wellness program should also include components for mental, emotional, and social health.

Wellness Programs Only for High-Risk Employees

Some companies think that only high-risk employees are in need of wellness programs.

This thinking is flawed for two reasons. First, all employees can benefit from a wellness program. Second, offering a wellness program only to high-risk employees can create a feeling of discrimination among other employees.

Wellness Programs That Are One-Size-Fits-All

Some companies try to create one overall wellness program that fits all employees. However, this is not possible because everyone has different needs. Companies should focus on creating a variety of programs. This way, employees can choose the program that best fits their needs.


Developing an overall wellness strategy for your organization is a great way to improve the health of your workforce and reduce the overall costs of healthcare. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a program that will meet the needs of your organization and its employees.

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