Kickstart Your Exercise Routine This Summer
Sean Higgins
kickstart your exercise routine

People often pick January as the best time to dial up (or start) their fitness routines, but summer is actually also an excellent time to do this. The summer offers beautiful weather, more sunshine, and a higher chance of getting to meet a friend and workout together. 

Here are some great exercise routine ideas if you’re interested in staying active in summer. 

1. Find workouts that don’t feel like work

If you struggle to bring yourself to workout, summer is the perfect time to do activities that will keep you fit without actually feeling like a workout. Some great options are swimming, hiking, rollerskating, and going for bike rides. 

It also really helps to fit your workouts into your lifestyle so it doesn’t take so much effort to actually start working out. You don’t have to drive to a gym that’s an hour away, just take a walk after dinner instead or join a game at your local basketball court. 

2. Stay hydrated

With the summer heat comes the dangers of becoming dehydrated. Staying active in summer (especially outside) often means that you won’t be able to do as much as you could in colder months, because your body loses a lot of energy trying to regulate its temperature by sweating. 

Try and drink the recommended amount of water so that you avoid becoming dehydrated. Avoid energy drinks because they’re loaded with calories, and muscle cramping is more often caused by dehydration rather than a lack of electrolytes anyway.
Staying hydrated means that you can get optimum results from your workouts and stay healthy. 

3. Keep safe in the heat and sun

Aside from just sweating, the amount of sun you get in the summer can also lead to heat rash, sunburn, and in the long run, higher risks of skin cancer. It’s important that you apply sunscreen before exercising outdoors, and continue to reapply as the sunscreen manufacturer directs.

You could also try exercising earlier in the morning, late in the evening, indoors, or on shady hiking trails to avoid the sun. 

It’s imperative that you watch out for signs that the heat is getting to you, such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Nausea/vomitting
  • Light-headedness
  • Weakness
  • Muscle cramps

If you find yourself experiencing any of these, stop exercising immediately and find somewhere cool and shady to rest. 

4. Switch it up

If you ever feel like whatever exercise you’re doing is getting boring, give yourself some variety. This doesn’t just keep you interested, it’s also better for you.

When you change your activities, you avoid overusing the same muscles. You also can pick up new skills and find new hobbies in the process. 

If you’re normally into long cardio sessions, maybe try out some HIIT (high-intensity interval training) or weights. If you normally play soccer, try out some basketball. The world is your oyster.

5. Make exercise a social occasion

The best exercise routine ideas always involve friends. Nothing gives your summer exercise routine a kickstart like knowing you’ll get to have fun with friends while doing it. 

You don’t have to be talking all the time to make your workouts social. You can just enjoy your friends’ company on a run, get them to spot you at the gym, or even play a friendly game of tennis. 

What can make social exercise even more fun is if you try their sport or they try yours. You can get a workout in while also understanding the other’s passion more, which will ultimately bring you closer. 

6. Keep track of your progress and activities

One of the best ways to keep on top of your exercise routine is to keep track of the various aspects of your fitness journey. There are apps for everything these days, but you can even just use the notes app on your phone or a physical notebook.

You can track anything from what you eat, how much water you drink, where you ran, what exercises you did, how much weight you lifted, and more. 

This can help you see your progress over time as well as feel proud that you managed to work out or try something new. 

Summer awaits!

Staying active in summer takes a little bit of adjustment, but it will bring you so much energy, happiness, and fitness. Try these tips to make the most out of your summer workouts, and see how far they’ll take you.

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