How to Engage College Students

How to Engage College Students

We’re all distractible. Even the best educators can have a hard time engaging students in the classroom all the time. With the addition of hybrid and remote learning models, the student attention challenge is even greater. We’ve compiled some tips for how to engage...
College Student Stress Facts

College Student Stress Facts

Going to college is a long awaited next step for many high school graduates. While these years should be filled with the excitement of exploring independence, building new relationships, and soaking in all college has to offer, for many it is more stressful than...
College Students and Long-Term Retention

College Students and Long-Term Retention

As the price of a college education escalates, universities are challenged to retain students who invest in their institution. Reportedly, only 60% of students graduate within 6 years of starting, which means 40% of students do not complete their college education. As...
First Generation College Student Retention

First Generation College Student Retention

Earning a degree is the expected goal of most students as they begin their college experience. For first generation college students, however, this is less likely to be achieved compared to their peers with family members before them. First generation college student...