Building Trust Within a Company’s Culture

by | Apr 1, 2022

building trust within a companys culture

Strong cultures rely on trust. Without it, a company’s foundation is shaky at best. While trust is a two-way street between employer and employee, building trust within a company’s culture starts with employers laying the cornerstones upon which mutual trust can be built. 

TrustEdge built their business by helping other organizations prioritize trust by making it the center of their culture. They believe that ​​”without trust, leaders and organizations fail. Even good leaders and organizations face a crisis of trust.” They go on to list the benefits of investing in and building trust within a company’s culture: 

  • More revenue
  • Great efficiency
  • Increased performance
  • Lower stress
  • Less attrition
  • Improved morale
  • An environment where people can perform at their best

Building trust within a company’s culture doesn’t happen overnight. Here are some of the keys to nurturing this kind of workplace.

Building trust within a company’s culture is an active process.

Intentionality is required to build a trust culture between employer and employee. It must to be practiced every day. It starts at the top with c-suite leaders. Without top down buy-in and leadership, trust-building is unlikely to take root in organizational culture. When key leaders commit to trust as a core company value and organize both initiatives to support it, trust is far more likely to take root. Create a culture your employees love and employees are more likely to stay invested for the long-haul. 

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Building trust within a company’s culture relies on assuming best intentions. 

Two of the biggest killers of company morale are when leaders question employee motives and micromanaging their work. Assuming best intent means believing that employees have the organizations best interest in mind and are bringing their best to the table. Managers have the greatest influence on employee engagement and job satisfaction, so these leaders are key to building trust within a company’s culture. When an employee is being micromanaged or having their intentions called into question by a manager, trust is lost. Making your managers better by helping employees bring their best selves to work every day by empowering them to do what they do best will build trust trust, engagement, and productivity.   

Building trust within a company’s culture requires a posture of humility.

Leaders are facing greater workplace challenges than ever before. Leading in a hybrid workplace requires emotional intelligence, empathy, and humility. Life has been challenging for everyone and organizational leaders are no exception. Building psychological safety at work is foundational to trust. It can be hard for a manager to admit he or she doesn’t have all the answers. Helping your leaders make a shift from manager to coach and they will be better equipped to lead from this posture of humility. 

Building trust within a company’s culture requires active engagement, assuming best intent, and a posture of humility. When a company’s leadership demonstrates these qualities first, employees are likely to reciprocate the same level of trust within the organization. If your organization is struggling, it might be time to take a look at trust and make necessary adjustments for the sake of your business and your team. 

Like this topic? Check out our article about 3 tips to better promote company culture here.

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