Understanding BetterYou’s Permission Settings

A quick guide to understanding why BetterYou needs the information and permissions that our app asks for while setting up your account and getting started on your health habits journey.

Google Fit/Apple Health

This helps BetterYou measure your exercise and steps in the background automatically.

Set health and wellness goals
Set health and wellness goals


This helps BetterYou log your visits to the gym or social places. For iOS it also helps us measure if you’re on your phone late at night (sleep goal)

Photo iOS

BetterYou can sync up with your screentime to measure your progress. Did you spend 15 minutes on Headspace? We can log for you automatically with a screentime screenshot. Only screenshots of screentime are detected/uploaded.

Set health and wellness goals

App Usage

This helps BetterYou log how you spend time towards your goals. Did you use Duolingo for 15 minutes? BetterYou can measure that for you automatically.