How to Cold Call For a Job
Daniella Okorobie
How to Cold Call For a Job

It’s no secret that the cold calling technique raises the biggest fears, especially for newbies. But the good news is that thinking about how to cold call doesn’t have to be a nightmare for job seekers, and it is, in fact, quite the opposite.

This first contact should be seen as an excellent experience to become a potential employee, and with good tactics, the job seeker will get good results. So, in today’s post, we’ll explore how to cold call for a job.

Before starting, let’s understand what cold calling is:

What is Cold Calling?

Cold calling is a sales technique that uses the telephone to make first contact with a potential customer or employer who does not yet have a business relationship with the seller or the individual. 

Contrary to what many professionals imagine, cold calling is not focused on closing a sale or getting employed in that first contact. It goes beyond that, and the main priority involves taking the first step toward a sustainable relationship between both parties.

Instead of waiting for a potential employer to make the first contact, with cold calling, one can pitch their way by marketing their skills and qualifications. 

Should I Prepare Myself To Know How To Do Cold Calling?

Certainly Yes! Try to gather as much information about your contact as possible, and use the internet and social networks for this (Email, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.). But don’t waste any more time doing employer research than calling, okay? Remember that the information you get during a call will be much more valuable.

But before the call, prepare your application, rehearse the approach, the first phases, etc.! Be rest assured that from the tenth call, this script will start to come out on its own, automatically and naturally.

Study all the information about the product or service you will offer and how this solution meets the customer’s desire or need! Also, have all this information and some useful extra information ready during the call.

5 Killer Tips for a Successful Cold Call for a Job

Don’t Limit Yourself To Just The Phone 

It may seem tempting to jump right into the call because it allows for more immediate contact with the lead, but don’t skip the steps! Go slow, “warming up” the prospect. We recommend making a prior contact by email or LinkedIn; this reduces the awkwardness with your skill presentation. In the best-case scenario, you can schedule the call after this.

Create a Cadence Flow 

A cadence flow is a schedule of lead interactions. The idea is to standardize and structure every time you get in touch. 

Be Careful With The Tone Of Your Approach 

A cold call can’t be too rushed; try to be subtle and understand the potential employer’s needs before selling yourself. Focus on understanding the need and explain how your skill or qualification can help make it better. Be confident. 

Know The Potential Employer’s Product or Service Well 

Knowing the job in detail in a cold call is not a must but an obligation. Only then will you be able to effectively relate your skill to the employer’s pain, including suggestions for use and answering possible questions. This technique is about helping the employer understand their problem and how the skill you offer helps solve it. 

Maintain Authority 

Don’t treat your job search as if it’s inconvenient. Eliminate phrases like “sorry to call you at this time” or something like that. Make it clear that receiving this call is an opportunity; if the person does not have time to talk, try to book another time to make the call.


Cold calling is mainly used in marketing; many say it doesn’t work anymore. However, that’s not true. Many sales personnel and job seekers have found success by cold-calling their prospects.  

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