Unlock Happiness.

Most apps on your phone are built to steal your attention. They want you focused on the screen. BetterYou is the “anti-app” app powered by A.I & brain science that helps you hit your real goals and dreams.

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90% of our free time is spent on screens. And we’re getting less happy. BetterYou changes that. 

 9 out of 10 people say screen time is taking away from their life priorities.

3 out of 5 people report symptoms of anxiety or depression.

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What if An App Did All of This?

Better Sleep,
Less Anxiety

BetterYou helps the average app user get 30 minutes more sleep every night, which leads to lower rates of anxiety and depression.

Alleviate Stress
By Talking to Friends

Socializing with others can help to alleviate feelings of stress and improve overall well-being. On average, BetterYou members see 10 more minutes of talk time with friends and family a week.

Stat graphic that states 61% of people are getting an extra 10 min of talk time with their top people per day when using the BetterYou app

Stronger Relationships

Strengthening bonds with friends and family alleviates stress and improves overall well-being. BetterYou app users spend an extra 10 minutes talking (not texting) with their top people every day. 

Boost Happiness with A.I & Science

Study Finds Significant Drop in Burnout, Improvement in Sleep & Exercise with BetterYou

professional smiling woman with long hair


improvement in sleep quality


improvement in feelings of connection with close friends & family

Improve Your Relationships, Reduce Your Stress, Get More Time For the Things You Care About

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Unlock Your Full Potential 

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Workforce with a Happy and Engaged Team